Lodge St. Andrew No 524


1911 - 1922


Brother James Currie, R.W.M., 1911 was in fact R.W.M. for 1911 also. In 1912, that is, until the 19th May when he resigned his Office. No details are given for this and, as we shall see, Bro. G. Warnock (SNR) I.P.M. chaired the meetings of the Lodge in the second-half of 1912. During the 2 years credited to him Bro. J. Currie entered 16 Candidates, l Affiliate and 9 Honorary Members. Degree working in 1911 was by the R.W.M. and P.M.s of the Lodge aided by Bros. Sinclair, Jarvie and Somerside of Lodges 153, 333 and 441 respectively. Brother George Warnock (Junior) joined the Lodge at this time.

The Mark Degree was by Bro. Bryce P.M. of 153 when 4 Brothers were advanced. The working in 1912 was aided by many brothers Brother D. Paton, S.M. and Brother George Warnock (Jnr.) I.G., of 524.

Also by Brothers J. Warnock D.M./ 275; Scott/ 354., J. MacKie R.W.M./ 458 and Sinclair, I.P.M./ 153. Bro. Sinclair also conferred the Mark Degree. Two Candidates, giving their addresses as Ontario, Canada were admitted in 1912. They were Bros. Hastie and Stevenson and received all their Degrees. 1911 was a somewhat sombre year with 4 Obituaries being reported. These were of Bros. R. Pollock Past Treasurer of the Lodge and Father in Law of the R.W.M.; Bro. Robert MacKie P. M./ Secretary who died at No. 12 Kittoch St.; Bro. T. Reid S.M., killed at work as a Milk Van-Driver and Bro. A. Torlay.

Masonic Funerals are recorded for each with the exception of Bro. R. Pollock. Regalia was worn each time and some 30 Bros. attended. In his Oration to Bro. R. MacKie, Bro. G. Warnock I.P.M. referred to Bro. MacKie's wise council and declared his Passing as a “great loss.” Bro. Reid's Memorial Service was conducted by Bro. Rev. Barr P.G.C., with readings by the P.G.M. Bro. Col. Heys and the R.W.M. Bro. J. Currie. A Special Elegy was composed and read by Bro. Alexander Watt of 524. Brother A. Watt, renowned as a Poet, was in his seventies. The elegy may be read in Lodge Minute Book, the Second, May 28th 1911. 9 Lodges were represented and the Press were present. The Pall-Bearers for Bro. A. Torlay were Bros. Young, Young, Thomson and Aitkenhead. Benevolence in 1911 consisted of 3 payments totalling £10 to 2 widows of Lodge Brothers and of 2/ - Charity to a Brother from Beith after he had been ''duly tested.” A letter was received about this time from a Miss Gray, of Chicago, daughter of a Member of the Lodge, requesting a letter of Introduction to enable her to join the O.E.S. in Chicago. A Deputation attended the Consecration of the Masonic Hall in Barrhead in September. The I.P.M., Bro. G. Warnock (SNR), reported attending the laying of the Foundation Stone to the new Masonic Hall in Edinburgh. A scheme entitled “Casual Relief” by the P.G.L. of Renfrewshire East was discussed by the Brethren but did not receive their approval. P.M. Bro. R. McKie, Secretary, was elected Jeweller at provincial. The Provincial Grand Lodge made their Official visit in March and gave a very good Clear Minute for the year 1910. They reported Lodge Benevolent Fund Balance to be £53.5.0 credit and Hall Value £504. The P.G.M. Bro. Heys was accompanied by 11 of his colleagues. Lodge Treasurer Bro. P. Chalmers P.M., reported the Building and Property Statement of Account and this was found satisfactory. Contrary to this however a Meeting was found necessary to discuss raising money to “pay the Tradesmen.'' 11 Members were present. It was agreed to call on all Brethren to assist this matter and to give loans for the purpose if possible. It was agreed to pay the Balance of Account due to R. Aitkenhead and Sons.

The R.W.M. Bro. J. Currie was re-elected for the year 1912 and subsequently Installed by Bro. Bryce P.M./ 153. Lodge Secretary was now a Bro. R. Anderson with Bro. P. Chalmers P.M. continuing as Treasurer.


In January 1912 the Treasurers Financial Statement for 1911 was given and found satisfactory. However the Secretary and Treasurer were called on to report on several items: Unpaid Bills by Brethren for Photographs; 1 Hall Let of £l; Whist Drive tickets for 1901 and 1911. They were asked also to provide information on the number and amount of loans from Members and to list the life and Test Fee Members of the Lodge. A report was given by them for the latter items at the following Meeting. About this time Grand Lodge introduced “Application Forms'', delivered a procedure for Ballots and warned all to avoid Clandestine Meetings. Their Benevolent Account was declared closed until April 1913.

Provincial Grand Lodge made their Official Visit, in 1912, in March. They were headed by P.G.D.M. Bro. Pattison supported by 13 of his colleagues. A Clear Minute was given for 1911.

On May 19th of 1912 without any forewarning, in the Minutes at least - the R.W.M. Bro. J. Currie. resigned. In August the I.P.M., Bro. G. Warnock (SNR), was requested to take up the “Bro. Currie matter'' by calling on Bro. Currie. It was on October 15th Bro. Warnock reported on the matter. No details are provided. Bro. Warnock therefore occupied the Chair from August 1912 to the Installation in December.

In October / November the Brethren Elected Bro. H. Barr as R.W.M . for the year 1913. Lodge Secretary was Bro. R. Anderson and Treasurer Bro. J. Ferguson. A proposal for a “Tatties and Herring'' supper at the Installation was not carried! Bro. H. Barr was Installed R.W.M . by Brothers R. Somerside and J. Barr, P.M.’s Lodge 441 . From the full list of Office-Bearers the first of such we learn that S.W. was Bro. D. Paton and J. W. Bro. G. Warnock (JNR). The Grand Lodge Benevolent Fund Collection was £l. From a Balance Sheet provided we learn that initiation Fees totalled £18.18.0 and House/ Hall Rent Income was £25. House/ Hall upkeep equalled £33 and Printing and Postage £8. The Amount Paid for the Hall, to date, was £745. At Grand Lodge the Duke of Atholl ended his 4 year term as G.M. and was succeeded by Sir Robert K. Stewart of Murdostown.


In 1913 Brother Hugh Barr entered on what was to be a 3 year stint as R.W.M. A term during which he would take the Lodge into the fateful year 1914 and the early years of World War One. 1913 was

sufficiently normal however to see 14 New Members join the Lodge with 3 Honorary Members. Degree work in the Lodge was assisted by Bro. MacKie P.M./ 458 and the Mark was in the hands of Bro. Sinclair P.M./ l 53. A notable Candidate in this year was the 24 year old Police Constable Bro. George Greig. In the January a New Year Greeting was received from a candidate of the previous year -. Bro. Stevenson of Ontario, Canada. The Financial Statement for 1912, submitted by the Treasurer was accepted. A Social and Dance was agreed for 28th November. The Obituaries were reported of Bros. A. Brown and, in New Zealand, of Bro. J. C. Douglas. Lodge Benevolence £2 to a widow and, from Grand Lodge, to another widow £10. Grand Lodge Benevolent Fund was again closed between October 1913 and April 1914. In July, on the 15th, sad to relate, a Regular Meeting had to be abandoned as there were not enough Bros. present to form a Quorum. Early in the year Provincial Grand Lodge were asked to allow the Credit Balance in the Benevolent Fund to be used in the General Fund. Provincial Grand Secretary, in a reply, allowed this to take place owing to the Special Circumstances.

No details appear. Provincial Grand Lodge gave a Clear Minute at their Inspection of the Lodge in March. The P.G.M., Bro. Heys, at the end of his 5 year term as P.G.M., headed the Deputation of some 13 of his colleagues. In April the Lodge nominated Bro. George Glen as successor to Bro. Colonel Heys. £l.1.0 was also subscribed to the Testimonial to P.G.S. Bro. Ramsay. The R.W. M. Bro: H. Barr, re-elected R.W.M., was Installed by a Bro. W. Millar. The Dep. M. was Bro. D. Paton. Senior and Junior Wardens were Bros. G. Warnock (Jnr) and A. Scott respectively. The Grand Lodge Benevolent Collection equalled £l . The Balance Sheet for the year ending November 1913 gave Fees income £56; House and Hall Rent Income - £28 and the Benevolent Fund Balance £64. Print and Post costs = £8. ln no doubt, traditional manner the Brethren celebrated New Year and, with high hopes for a prosperous future, marched on into 1914.


1914 saw 2 Candidates and 2 Honorary members as the total of entries for the year. Brothers Leitch and Carslaw of Lodge No. 458, Junior Deacon and Substitute Master respectively, assisted in the Working. Benevolence continued in payments of £4 and £10, to a widow of a Lodge Brother, from Provincial and Grand Lodges respectively. Provincial Grand Lodge made its Official Visit in March and declared a very good ''Clear'' minute for 1913. The Obituary was reported of Bro. J. Currie, (Snr). Yet another Regular Meeting had to be cancelled owing to failure to reach a quorum - this was on June 16th. The Local Valuer declared that the site value of the Hall was increased by £33 to £100. Taking a new look at their Harmony arrangements the Lodge decided to resume their past practice of charging all present, visitors included, I1/ - each. A cup of tea was to be included at all times. Bro. D. Paton D.M., presented the Lodge with a new Sword and a set of Mark Plans for which the R.W.M thanked him. The outbreak of the War receives no special mention but it is not long until the Minutes contain the names of Brothers of the Lodge who had “joined the Colours.'' In 1914 these were; Brothers Geo. Sweenie, John Marshall, J. Craig, M. Weir, H. Hamilton, G. Wilkinson. An Appeal was received for Men of the 7th Battalion The H. L. I. No details are given. Brother Hugh Barr was Elected by the Brethren for Master in 1915. He was later Installed by a Bro. J. Sinclair assisted by a Bro. C. Young. A copy of the Balance Sheet dated November 1913 tells us that FEES INCOME = £6.6.0., House and Hall Rent realised £28.0.0. Expenditure on House and Hall was £31.0.0 and on Postage and Printing £6.11.0. Clearly the Lodge and its Brethren did not have their troubles to seek but none could be aware of the “long, long trail'' they'd have to tread before really sunny days returned.


1915, Bro. H. Barr's third year as R.W.M . was a quiet one. Quiet at least as Minutes of the Lodge show there can be little doubt that their Public, if not also their Private avocations, were of momentous concern. And yet 13 meetings were held, chaired throughout by Bro. H. Barr. Three new Members were added to the Roll, and also 6 Honorary Members. The Mark Degree in 1915 was conferred by Bro. W. Galbraith I.P.M. 873. No Meetings were held during June, July or August. The Obituary was reported of Bro. J. Thomson in New York. Benevolence consisted of l case of £2 to a widow. A success in the Province Bowling Competition was reported when Bros. Callaghan, Allan, Auchincloss and Warnock were the 3rd Winning Rink. 5 more Brothers of the Lodge were now in H. M. Forces :- Bros. A. Fleming, T. Duthie, W. Chalmers, J. Hay and J. Brown. Bro. Sweenie, who left for the Forces in 1914, was home on sick leave about this time. The Lodge enacted that all Brothers serving in H.M.F. would be placed on the clearly list, and there held for the duration of Hostilities. Brother Treasurer reported Funds to be low and Bills due. The R.W.M. Bro. H. Barr thereupon undertook to deposit £10 to Lodge Account to meet any possible overdraft. This was greatly appreciated by the Brethren of the Lodge. Provincial Grand Lodge made their Annual Visit in March and inscribed a “Clear Minute'' for 1914. Bro. G. Glen P.G.M. headed the Deputation of 12 of his colleagues. The P.G.M.’s declaring these to be difficult times, recognised that Lodge St Andrew was in a sparsely populated area and thus less able to weather the critical period all were going through. They expressed their sympathy to the I.P.M. Bro. G. Warnock, Provincial Grand Jeweller, whose wife had died. An Appeal was made for support to the Belgian Refugee Fund and to the Fund for the Renfrewshire Masonic Ambulance. At a later meeting, a circular letter from the P.G.M., recommended that no alcohol be used at Lodge Harmonies for the meantime. This was discussed

and agreed. At the Nomination and Election Meetings the Brethren Elected Bro. David B. Paton as R.W.M. for 1916.

The Lodge Secretary was now Bro. I. Currie and Treasurer remained Bro. J. Ferguson. The S.W. was Bro. G. Warnock (Jnr.) and J.W. was Bro. J. McAulay. The Installation was by Bro. J. A. Wilson P.M./873 (P.P.D.O.C.) The reference to a “muted harmony” is our only indication of the heartbreaking days our Brothers must by then have been going through.

The Balance Sheet for November 1915 gives Fees Income as £6.6.0; House and Hall Rental Income £17.12.0 and Harmony Collections £3.12.0. Outgoings werw House and Hall upkeep £27.0.0; Harmonies £6.0.0 and Print/Postage £3.3.0. The Benevolent Fund Credit Balance equalled £80.7.0. This then was the situation as Bro. D. Paton took up the reigns as R.W.M and prepared for the year 1916. At Grand Lodge the Mantle of Grand Master had been assumed by Brig-Gen Sir Robert Gordon Gilmour.


Brother David B. Paton served as Master of the Lodge for the remainder of the War years - 1916, 1917 and 1918. In the most daunting of circumstances he took a very firm hold of the Lodge and its affairs. Where he might have been forgiven for adopting a mere watching brief he caused the Lodge to be uplifted and to progress in all departments. During this 3 year period he conducted 34 Regular and 23 Special Meetings. Al1 of these were Chaired by him except for 1 at the very end when Business Matters detained him And, again in this period saw 51 Members added to the Roll. 10, 1 7 and 24 respectively.

There were also 8 Affiliated Brothers. In 1916 the Working of Degrees was by Lodge P.M.’s and Bro G. Warlock (Jnr) S.W., assisted by Bros. Jardine, S.M. 592, McLeod, S.M. 873, Alison of Lodge Caledonia and, at the Mark, by Bro T, Gilbraith, P.M. 873. It is noted that at this period it was stall the practice to carry out 2 Degrees on the one evening but with different Candidates going through. A large number of visiting Deputations is recorded on this year the were from Lodges No. 3 Bis , 7, l 78, 233, 306, 512. 753 and the “regulars” Lodge Progress. Glasgow, No. 873 following a Notice of Motion it was agreed to change Lodge Meeting night from Third to Second Tuesday. A Social was arranged for the 24th November and 2 Brothers were appointed Representatives to the War Savings Committee. Benevolence an 1916 was in a £2 Grant to a widow. The Obituaries were reported of Bro. G. Buchanan (Jnr) and Lodge stalwart Bro. Geo. Warnock, Past Master. The Lodges first record of a War casualty was given when the death in action of Bro. John Marshall was reported. He had been among the first to be called to the Colours. Letters were received from Bros. in the Forces thanking the Lodge for Parcels received. Grand Lodge cautioned all lodges against allowing Aliens to attend at Meetings and gave specific instructions on the subject. Lodges were also to form Enquiry committees before whom all applicants directed to had to appear. Provincial Grand Lodge, headed by Bro. W. Scott P.G.D.M. , made the Annual visit in March and entered a very good Clear Minute for 1915. Brother Paton, re-elected R.W.M was installed by Bro. Waterson P M./ 512. Lodge secretary was Bro. I Currie and Treasurer Bro. D. Thomson. The Sub-Master was Bro. G. Warnock (Jnr) and the Wardens, Bros. M. Anderson and J. Ferguson.


In 1917 the Lodge Working was assisted by Bros. J. M. Mackie P.M. / 458; Erskine P.M. / 556 and N. MacDonald P. M. / 873. The Mark was carried out by a Bro. Rylie. Amongst the Candidates were Bros. D. Cameron and A. Y. Marshall. The year began with the sudden death of the P.G.M. Bro. D. Glen. The Lodge later Nominated Bro. Pattison to succeed Bro. Glen. His Installation took place on 15th June 1917.

In September and November of the year 2 more Bros. of the Lodge were reported killed in action. Bros. A. Simpson and D. Guiness. Grand Lodge Benevolence is recorded in the grant of £10 to a widow.

An appeal was received via the Grand and Provincial Grand Lodges, of the Limbless Ex-servicemen’s Association. Provincial Grand Lodge made it’s Annual visit in March and gave a “clear minute” for 1916.

They urged increased care in the making up of the Lodge Mmute Book. Bro. Scott P.G.D.M., headed the Deputation of 10. It was reported that the R.W.M. Bro. D. Paton had been made Provincial Grand

Lodge Assistant Marshal. A Lodge Inventory being taken it was valued at £50. It was agreed to purchase an Organ, price £12.0.0., by Voluntary Subscriptions. A Prize draw conducted realised the amazing sum of £41.10.0. The Hall, in need of re-painting, was agreed to at the price of £9.1.0. The Lodge Bye Laws, completely re-written, were read, Passed and approved by Provincial Grand Lodge. Copies were later printed for issue to each Brother. On March I 7th we have the first ever Enquiry Committee Meeting Minute. Gifts were made to the Lodge by the R.W.M - a “roll of honour” - and, by the Treasurer - A Gong, Hour-glass and Scythe. Lodge Representatives again reached 3rd place In the Province Bowlmg Competition; Bros. Currie, Sweenie, Auchlncloss and Barr. At the Election of Officers for 1918, Bro Paton was elected R.W.M. for his third term with Bros. R. Bedford and D. Thomson as Secretary and Treasurer. Bro. W. Strang, Nominated as secretary, was called to the Forces before Election.

The Installation was again carried out by Bro. Waterson P.M. / 512 assisted by a Bro. Wilkie.


Despite the War weariness which at New Year 1918 must have been acute the business of the Lodge continued. Bro. R. Anderson and N. Harknish were added to the Roll of Bros. Killed in Action. The death also occurred in January of the Lodges Dep. M. Bro. A. Scott. He received a Full Masonic Funeral at which the Rev. Bro. R. Smith Officiated. Appeals for Benevolence from 3 War Widows resulted in the granting of £5 to each. Lodge Working in 1918 was assisted by Bro. J. Orr of Lodge No. 458 and a Deputation from Lodge No. 3 Bis. headed by the R.W.M. Bro. Smith. 2 Mark Degrees were held no details given. Provincial Grand Lodge made their Annual Visit in March headed by the Provincial Grand Master Bro. Pattison. A “Clear Minute'' was entered. The R.W.M. reported attending the Consecration and Erection of Lodge No. l 167. An Invitation to the Erection of Lodge No. 1170 was also received. The Finance Committee recommended that Test Fees be increased to 5/-; that Subscription Sheets be circulated; that lapsed members be contacted; that Meetings begin promptly and that Instruction Classes with Guest Speakers be conducted. The Lodge agreed to increase Test Fee to 3/6 only; to contact lapsed members and to accept Subscription Sheets. The first issue of the latter realized £11 . At the Regular Meeting on 12th November 1918 Bro. D. Paton R.W.M. was able to announce - no doubt unnecessarily - the Armistice. Describing it as a Great Victory for the Allies he went on to say that all their rejoicing must be tempered with Remembrance and with the Greatest Sympathy toward the Families of the Fallen. It was at this meeting in fact the Brethren heard of the loss of Bro. H. Wright, Killed in Action. The War was over! Brothers Hugh Barr and David Paton had conducted the Lodge through traumatic years. This they had done magnificently. Brother Paton was now at the end of his 3 years of Chairmanship. The Nomination meeting led to Bros. J. Ferguson and J. MacDonald being Nominated R.W.M. for 1919. The Secretary nominated was Bro. R. Bedford and both Bros. D. Thomson and T. Hay were Nominated Treasurer. The Election saw Bro. MacDonald as R.W.M.-Elect with Bros. R. Bedford, Secretary; Bro. D. Thomson Treasurer and, as Sub-Master, Bro. J. Ferguson. The Installation was by Bro. J. Wilson P.M./ 873 and J. MacKie P.M./ 458. The Collection for Grand Lodge Benevolence was a record £44.6


All interested in Craft statistics have noted the steep increase in Initiations which follows a period of War. This may well be a back-log of entrants prevented from taking up membership. It may also stem from the increased opportunities found, in time of disaster to practice, more overtly, our principles of Brotherhood and to extend Benevolence to those cast down. Nevertheless, taking all of this into account, it does not fully answer the tremendous leap in Lodge Membership which took place during the 2 years of Bro. J. MacDonald's Chairmanship, 1919 and 1920. No less than 99 new members were added to the Roll during those 2 years (62 and 37 respectively). There were also 1 Affiliate and l Honorary Member. All of which was made possible by the entering of, at times, no less than 15 candidates in one evening.

The pattern must have been similar throughout the country as Grand Lodge were moved to order, in Dec. 1919, that not more that 7 be admitted at any one Degree. The Working of Degrees through 1919and 1920 was assisted by Bros. T. McAulay and A. Gibbon of 524 with also, Deputations from Lodges 103, 406 and 458, headed by Bros. Strachan, Ririe, and J. Orr respectively. Reference is made at one third Degree to the excellent musical arrangements made by Bro. J. Ferguson, S.M . The Mark Degree of 1919 was by Bro. J. Mackie P.M. 458 and that of 1920 by the R.W. M. Bro. J. MacDonald. A total of 69 Brothers were advanced. All said and done much credit must go to the R.W.M. who, in 1919, created the Lodge's record for entries: 62. Some 42 meetings were held during this period and the R.W.M, was able to chair all but 5. His absences were due to Business committments and to a 2 month period in 1919 when, in the Autumn he was in the USA and Canada. On his return in October he gave a resume to the Brethren of the places and Lodges he had visited. Lodge Benevolence was in £5 to a widow; £2.2.0 to East Kilbride War Memorial Fund; and £l .1.0 each to the Royal, Victoria and Western Hospitals of Glasgow in both 1919 and 1920. Bro. D. Paton I.P.M. also gave £2.8.6 to the Royal Samaritan Hospital, being the Balance left after an evening spent in a Presentation to himself by the Lodge. The Obituaries of 2 Brothers were read; Bros. J. Callaghan and A. Orr. In 1919, January, the Balance sheet for 1918 was found satisfactory. Nevertheless Rental charges for the Hall increased and Hall heating taken to task.

An Instruction class was again started - on this occasion on every second Saturday. Lodge Secretary was directed to write to Caledonian Railway and request that a return train to Glasgow at 10 p.m. be arranged for the benefit of all, and Lodge visitors in particular. Following the “Peace Celebrations'' it was reported that the Lodge Flag Rope had been found to be broken and that the Pole itself required attention. All had since been put right. A Deputation was formed to attend the Divine Service at Lodge Strathaven No. 215. At the Office-Bearers Recommendation Meeting in October it was moved that these were not necessary. There being no one otherwise minded the Recommendations did not take place. A Lodge Social was arranged for November 28th. Provincial Grand Lodge made their Annual Visit in March and declared a ''Clear Minute'' for 1918. Benevolence was granted by them to a widow of the Lodge in the sum of £10. A large Deputation from Lodge No. 458 attended.

Brother John MacDonald and the Lodge Secretary and Treasurer were re-elected for 1920. The Installation was once more by Bro. J.A. Wilson P.M./ 873. Fees Income for 1919 equalled £192.0.0 and House/ Hall Rental £30.0.0. Print and Post cost £8.4.0 and the Benevolent Fund Balance equalled £110.0.0. At Grand Lodge the new Grand Master was Bro. Archibald, 16th Earl Eglinton and Winton.The Brethren looked forward to the “Twenties'' and Lodge Jubilee, 1922, which was now not far off.


1920’s first meeting was of Lodge Office-Bearers met to consider Lodge Finances. The Lodge Auditors, taking their duties really seriously, recommended that the Hall and Contents Insurance be increased; inquired of the Policies themselves and trusted both Hall and House were covered properly - urged that accident Insurance be taken out to cover Lodge Hall-keeper; that loans by Brethren to the Lodge be repaid and that 23 Aprons be bought at a cost of 48/-. It was further recommended that an Annual Report by the Secretary should be made in addition to that of the Treasurer. The total of loans, by Brethren, to the Lodge was £35. A credit of 12/- from Lodge Social was paid to the Benevolent Fund. At the Mark Degree the gift of a Triangle was made by Bro. D. Paton, I.P.M. Copious arrangements were made for the Lodge Divine Service including Adverts in Glasgow's Times, News and Citizen, Hamilton’s Advertiser and The Southern Press. Transport Brakes were also provided from Burnside, Glasgow.

Provincial Grand Lodge at their Annual Visit gave a “Clear Minute“. A circular re Grand Lodges Festival of St. Andrew gave price of ticket 11/-. In November a Deputation of Brethren from Eaglesham, headed by Bro. Paterson P.M./ 153, visited the Lodge by arrangement and presented their Petition for a New Lodge at Eaglesham to be sponsored by Lodge St. Andrew No. 524. This the R.W.M. and Wardens of the Lodge were, with the approval of the Lodge Brethren, able to do. The Brethren of Lodge Elected Bro. Wm. Hamilton as R.W.M. for 1921 with Bro. R. Bedford/ Secretary and Bro. A. Gibbons/ Treasurer. Installation was by Bros. J. A. Wilson and J. McKie once again. Bro. J. A. Wilson P.M. 873 was made an Honorary Member for his many services to the Lodge. The Collection for Grand Lodge was £5.10.0.

This ended Bro. J. MacDonald's effective Stewardship and we feel sure Bro. Wm. Hamilton felt much relief to know of the strength of his Immediate Past Master.


Brother William Hamilton's 2 years as R.W.M., 1921 and 1922, were busy years even without the Celebrations held to mark the Lodges Jubilee in 1922. No less than 43 Candidates and 7 Honorary Members

were added to the Roll, in almost equal numbers, in the 2 year period. The Degree working by Lodge P.M.’s was aided by Bro. A. Gibbons, Lodge Treasurer and Bro. A. Marshall S.W. Further assistance came from Bros. P. Duncan of Lodge 617 and J. Page of Lodge 873. The Mark Degrees were by P.M.’s Bros. D. Paton/ 524 and J. MacKie P.M./ 458. 41 Meetings were held during his term and the R.W.M. was able to chair 32 of these. His absences all lay in the second part of 1922 and, although it is not minuted, one suspects he was not too well at this time. An interesting Annual Report, carrying information not before Minuted or given, appears in January 1921 . It is for 1919 - 1920 and is for the year ended 30.10.20. Average attendance is given as 46 and Lodge Membership = 77 Test Fee, plus 83 Life Members. These with 7 new members give Lodge Roll Total as 167. The Benevolent Fund Balance is £153. The Report is signed by Bro: J. MacDonald, R.W.M. and R. Bedford, Secretary. Provincial Grand Lodge made their Annual Visit in April and declared a “Clear Minute“. The Deputation of l1 was headed by Bro. Michie, S.P.G.M. Bro. Michie recommended to the Lodge that £150 of the Benevolent Fund should be used to reduce the £300 Bond on Lodge Hall. The Lodge discussed this at a later Meeting and agreed to do so. The Lodge also called for 30 Bros. of the Lodge to loan £5 each, interest free, to the Lodge to pay off the Bond entirely.

Brother A. Gibbons, Treasurer, was able to report in the month of September, that these loans totalled £142. House and Hall Insurance were all doubled at this time to sums assured of £400 and £1200 respectively. Lodge Equipment was also doubled to £300, sum assured. It was also agreed to carry out Hall repairs, due to War-time abuse and neglect. House repairs were also agreed, cost £25. Following complaints of Noisy Lets the Lodge called on Hall Keeper to be selective in Letting and to endeavour to avoid such lets as led to disturbance. Hall Rental was agreed increased to 6/- per hour and 42/- for late night lets. Honoraria at this time was Secretary £9, Treasurer and Tyler £5.5.0 each. A Dance held in February and a Concert in March led to credit balances of £4.14.6 and £13.18.0 respectively. An Invitation was received to attend the Consecration of the New Hall at Lodge St. John, Busby, No. 458. This was to be by the P.G.M. on 12th February 1921 . A gift of Tracing Boards was received by the Lodge from the R.W.M. Bro. Hamilton. Bro. D. Paton, P.M. thanked the R.W.M. on behalf of the Lodge. Bro. Paton: having called for any questions regarding Masonry at a meeting In May, combined his replies into a very interesting lecture at a Meeting in June. In April a Social Evening was held to say farewell to Bro. J. Ferguson S.M., and his wife, who were going abroad. Bro. Ferguson received an Apron, Sash and Case.

Lodge Benevolence was in £10 to a widow and £l .1.0 to the Samaritan Hospital. Subscription Sheets were also opened for the Scottish National War Memorial Fund. The Obituary was reported of Bro. J. Leckie. Bro. W. Hamilton was elected by the Brethren of the Lodge to serve again as R.W.M., in 1922. The Installation was by Bros. J. MacKie P.M./ 458 and D. Paton P.M./ 524. The Lodge Secretary and Treasurer had both also been re-elected. Lodge S.M. was Bro. A. Marshall; S.W. Bro. A. Cruickshank and J.W. Bro. D. Hood. These were the Brethren. who with I.P.M. Bro. J.MacDonald and such stalwarts as Bro. D. Paton P.M., took the lodge into its Jubilee Year, 1922.


The condition of the Hall Building began to give concern. A thorough examination made in January, 1922, by P.M.’s Bros. J. MacDonald and R. Aitkenhead, assisted by Bro. Terrace revealed that there were

3“ bulges in both the front and back walls. Roof Tresses were spreading and a 6” sag was in the roof-ridge by the ventilator. Brothers Terrace and Aitkenhead recommended “wall-ties“; Brother Aitkenhead offering to carry out the work free of charge. However a “second opinion'' was sought and this was given by a Mr Sutherland. He confirmed the findings of our Brothers but added that there was no immediate anxiety. He recommended that his measurements be made again 6 months later to establish movement, if any. This was done, and in September his report was that no movement of Hall wails or Roof Members had taken place. He repeated that there need be no anxiety. The Lodge decided to take no further action. Some “internal politics'' was evident during the year with regard to the post of Tyler and of Hall Keeper.

In March the Hall-Keepers resignation was withdrawn but at the end of the year an “interim hall-keeper'' Mrs. Orr, was confirmed as Hallkeeper and at this time the Tyler elect declined to take up office in 1923.

The Hall-keepers Salary was £7 per year with 12.5% of Hall-let income. The Balance from a Dance, held, 25.11.1921, of 16/8 was added to the Benevolent Fund. A gold watch Draw was extremely successful and profited the Lodge £96. Benevolence in 1922 lay in the payment to a widow of £2.2.0, to the Royal and Victoria Hospitals £l . l .0 each and, to the Orphaned Children of a Brother, £20. The Lodge Treasurer, Bro. A. Gibbons, expressed some concern at the number of claims being made, in the District, by Destitute Brothers. These were increasing. Bro. D. Paton P.M. stated that the Lodge had no obligation unless Credentials were offered. It was confirmed that the Master and Treasurer could, independently, give up to 2/6d. The Obituaries were reported of Bros. A. Bennett and W. Goodwin. On the 16th September 1922 a Masonic Funeral was held for Bro. J. Currie, Past Senior Warden. Some 40 Brethren attended. It is sad to note that, in this the Lodges 50th year, it was 50 years later to the day ( l 6.9.1972) that the Centenary Celebrations of the Lodge took place. Sad, that is. as no actual date in 1922 can be said to have been the Jubilee Celebrations. It was in January 1922 Bros. J. MacDonald and D. Paton moved that Jubilee Celebrations be held and that they be planned without delay. Later a Jubilee Committee of Members and of 11 ladies met to make the necessary plans. Their recommendations included a Sale of Work, a Bazaar, Treats for Children and the Aged, and a Lodge Outing. The lodge accepted all but the Outing.

A band was arranged for the Bazaar day and its opening would be by Bro. Major Michie, D.S.O. of Provincial Grand Lodge. The Sale of Work, when held, realized £140. Some 60 Aged Persons were entertained and, from the Concert and their evening, the sum of £18 was left over. Much effort was put into the Divine Service held in the West Kirk on 10th September. The Minister was Bro. Rev. D. L. Seath of Eaglesham and Lodges represented were Nos. 78, 114, 116, 128, 306, 413, 458, 465, 592, 955, 963, 1243, 1265, 1272. Some 90 Bros. attended and the Benevolent Collection was £5.8.9. Gifts were received by the Lodge from the R.W.M. Bro. W. Hamilton; Third Degree Sheet and Lights and Batteries; I.P.M . Bro. J. MacDonald; Silver Trowel; Bro. D. Paton P.M; Rough and smooth Ashlars. The Lodge thanked them gratefully.

Grand Lodge reported that Fees from Lodges to Grand Lodge were increased. Following a Notice of Motion it was agreed that the Month of June would be added to July and August to form a 3 month recess in future. It is noted that Lodge Minutes are now being signed by the Lodge Secretary as well as the R.W.M. Following a proposal by Bro. A. Gibbons it was agreed for the testing of Candidates to be carried out in Open Lodge in future. It was agreed to purchase a piano for the Lodge but only after much deliberation. A visiting Deputation, omitted from our earlier report, was that of Lodge St. Kentigern No. 976 headed by Bro. R. Rocks P.M. A Third Degree was carried out by them. Provincial Grand Lodge made 2 visits to the Lodge during 1922. In May and in December. In May the Deputation of 20 was headed by Bro. Kirkwood.

A Clear Minute was given. Lodges were also advised to read all Applications in Open Lodge before the Enquiry Meeting. Lodge St. Andrew Nominated Bro. Pattison for a further term as P.G.M. but

subsequently supported the Nomination of Bro. Archibald, 4th Lord Blythswood. In December the new P.G.M. headed a Deputation of 17 to the Lodge and declared a Clear Minute for the year ended 1922. This ended the Lodges 50th year. It was in good heart and taking part fully in all its Masonic Duties. The choice of the Brethren for their R.W.M. in 1923 was Bro. T. McAulay. The Secretary and Treasurer were re-nominated. The S.M. was Bro. W. Cruickshank and the Wardens Bros. D. Hood and D. Scott. The Installation Ceremony was in the hands of Bros. J. Mackie P.M./ 458 and D. Paton P.M./ 524.

So here concludes the second twenty-fine years of 524....